Should I Paint My House Before Selling? | FlipSplit

Should I Paint My House Before Selling?

Reviewed by: Brandon Brown

As a homeowner preparing to sell your property, you’re likely well aware of the impact that first impressions can have on potential buyers. Maybe you’ve questioned, “Should you replace windows before selling a house?” or “Does landscaping increase home value?” While various aspects of your home contribute to its overall appeal, one question frequently arises: Should you paint your house before putting it on the market?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of pre-selling painting and explore whether investing in a fresh coat of paint can truly make a significant difference in enhancing your home’s value.

The Influence of Painting on Home Value

When you’re getting ready to sell your house, you know that first impressions count. And that’s where “how to add curb appeal” comes into play – it’s all about that instant charm that catches a buyer’s eye. Your home’s exterior sets the tone for the whole deal. That’s why giving your house a fresh paint job before selling can be a game-changer. It’s like putting your best foot forward and making sure that good vibe sticks with potential buyers as they check out what you’ve got to offer. But, does that imply you’re the one who needs to pick up the paintbrush? Don’t worry, we’ll dive into that topic shortly.

And speaking of a fresh coat of paint, did you know that it’s not just about the outside? The interior of your home also benefits from a well-done paint job. It’s like a blank canvas, ready to showcase the potential of each room. A new layer of paint can make spaces feel brighter, cleaner, and more inviting. It’s like a breath of fresh air for your interiors, inviting buyers to imagine themselves living their best lives within those walls. So, the impact of painting goes beyond just aesthetics – it’s about creating an atmosphere that resonates with potential buyers on a deeper level.

Choosing Paint Colors Strategically

When it comes to painting your home before selling, the hues you choose can wield a surprising influence on potential buyers. The art of color selection is your secret weapon in setting the right tone. Neutral shades, like calming grays, warm beiges, and soft whites, create a canvas that allows buyers to picture their own lives unfolding in your space. The beauty of neutrals lies in their adaptability, offering a neutral backdrop that doesn’t limit a buyer’s imagination.

But don’t feel confined to the neutral palette. While understated tones are a safe bet, you don’t have to shy away from more daring choices. Infusing a burst of vibrant color into details like your front door or trim can be the twist that adds character and a memorable touch to your home’s first impression.

By now, you might be wondering, “Does all this mean I have to become a painting expert?” Not at all! We’re here to simplify your selling journey. In fact, there’s an alternative that can save you time, effort, and brushes – and we’re about to unravel that solution for you.

DIY vs. Professional Painting: Pros and Cons

When it comes to painting your house before selling, the question of whether to take on the task yourself or hire professionals can be a significant consideration. Let’s explore the pros and cons of both options to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of DIY Painting

  • Cost Savings: Painting your house yourself can save you money on labor costs.

  • Flexibility: You can work at your own pace and schedule.

  • Personal Touch: You have full control over color choices and application.

Cons of DIY Painting

  • Time-Consuming: DIY painting can be time-intensive, especially if you’re not experienced.

  • Skill and Quality: Achieving professional-level results requires skill and experience.

  • Potential Mistakes: Inadequate preparation or application can lead to uneven finishes or peeling paint.

Pros of Professional Painting

  • Quality Results: Professionals have the expertise to deliver flawless finishes.

  • Efficiency: Experienced painters work quickly, minimizing disruption to your routine.

  • Detailed Preparation: Professionals ensure proper surface preparation, which is crucial for a lasting finish.

Cons of Professional Painting

  • Cost: Hiring professionals involves labor and material costs.

  • Scheduling: You’ll need to coordinate with the painting company’s schedule.

  • Limited Personalization: While you can choose colors, you might have less control over the finer details.


Deciding between DIY and professional painting depends on factors such as your skill level, budget, desired outcome, and timeline for selling a house. If you’re confident in your painting abilities and have the time, DIY painting can be a cost-effective choice. On the other hand, if you want impeccable results and prefer to leave the work to experts, hiring professionals might be the way to go. Remember, a well-executed paint job can greatly enhance your home’s appeal and contribute to a successful sale.

Cost Analysis and ROI of Pre-Selling Painting

When deciding whether to paint your house before selling, it’s essential to consider both the costs involved and the potential return on investment (ROI). Let’s delve into the cost analysis and how pre-selling painting can impact your home’s market value vs appraised value.

Cost Analysis: Painting vs. Price Reduction

Painting your house before selling incurs expenses, including paint, supplies, and potentially professional labor. However, comparing this investment to a potential price reduction can provide valuable insights. A price reduction might seem like a cost-effective alternative, but it could lead to lower offers and prolonged time on the market. In contrast, a well-executed paint job can enhance your home’s appeal and justify a higher asking price, potentially offsetting the upfront costs.

ROI of Pre-Selling Painting

Understanding the return on investment (ROI) of pre-selling painting is crucial. Research indicates that a well-maintained exterior, including fresh paint, can yield substantial returns. While ROI can vary depending on factors such as location and market conditions, the boost in curb appeal and buyer perception can contribute to a faster sale at a higher price point. In essence, the money invested in pre-selling painting can come back to you in the form of increased property value and a smoother transaction process.

By carefully evaluating the costs of painting against potential price reductions and considering the ROI of pre-selling painting, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals as a home seller. Remember, the impact of a well-painted house extends beyond aesthetics – it can influence the perceived value of your property and set the stage for a successful sale.

Simple Selling Alternative: iBuyer Solution

If the thought of taking on a painting project before selling feels overwhelming, there’s a stress-free alternative to consider: selling your house to an iBuyer like FlipSplit. iBuyers are real estate companies that purchase homes directly from sellers, offering a streamlined and hassle-free experience.

With an iBuyer, you can bypass the need for pre-selling painting altogether. iBuyers are willing to purchase homes in their current condition, including properties that may need a fresh coat of paint. This means you can skip the time, effort, and expense of painting your house before selling.

By choosing an iBuyer like FlipSplit, you can benefit from a quick and straightforward online home selling process. Here’s how it works: You provide details about your property, receive a competitive cash offer, and if you accept, the sale can be completed in as little as a few weeks. iBuyers like FlipSplit take care of the repairs, renovations, and painting themselves, allowing you to sell your house hassle-free.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to paint your house before selling or opt for an iBuyer solution depends on your priorities, timeline, and preferences. Exploring the iBuyer route offers a simplified selling experience, allowing you to focus on the next chapter of your life without the worry of painting your house for the market. Request an offer today!  

Reviewed by: Brandon Brown

As a long-time Asset Manager, Investor, Real Estate Agent, and Broker/Owner of BayBrook Realty in Orange County, Brandon Brown is one of FlipSplit’s lead Real Estate experts. Having worked on over 2,000+ real estate transactions, Brandon brings a depth of knowledge that ensures clients are appropriately treated with honesty and integrity. His insights and advice have been published in numerous blogs beyond FlipSplit, and he keeps a close eye on market trends and statistics, which are updated weekly on his social media pages. Outside work, you can find him participating and serving at church, cycling, mountain biking, surfing around Orange County and beyond, and enjoying time with his wife and two daughters.

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